TOEIC B2B Brand Video 2Min


BUSINESS OWNER: It started with a meeting. My company was opening a manufacturing plant in Turkey to produce components for electric vehicles. Our VP of Global Operations stressed that we needed to hire a management team that could communicate in English in time for the launch in June in six months.

That's where I came in. We received a lot of applications, all with promising CVs, but with each passing interview, we realized these candidates did not have the English language proficiency that we required.

We had to try something else. An HR colleague of mine had a suggestion-- the TOEIC tests. They measure the English communication skills needed to succeed in everyday business. I called to learn more about the TOEIC tests.

They explained how requiring TOEIC scores on our job applications would help us screen applicants. We decided to use the tests. Now, we were finally finding the candidates with the English skills we were looking for.

The plants opened on time and with the right team in place.

NARRATOR: Every day around the world, the TOEIC program is helping companies navigate a global landscape through the power of proven English proficiency. English is your gateway to the world.